** Donations for Quilter’s Corner are still needed bring them to the meeting in Feb.

Saturday, January 25 at 9:30-2:00 PM Workshop – Janet Yurg wool applique, Please bring a bagged lunch. Cost $55 includes class, pattern and kit. (Class Full)

Thursday, February 27 at 6 PM – Meeting – Voting on Challenge Quilt. Reminder please bring your challenge Quilt entry in a bag so that it will remains anonymous. The Challenge Quilt needs to be registered in the show).

Saturday, March 1 at 9 AM Pricing and Packaging for Quilter’s Corner for the Quilt Show.

Friday & Saturday, March 7-8 Valley In Bloom Quilt Show

Thursday, March 27 at 6 PM – Meeting – Quilt Show Recap and Review

Saturday, March 29 at 9 AM-2 PM – Workshop – Backpack with Mary Kaufman, Cost $25 (More info at Feb. Meeting)

Monthly Fat Quarter Raffle Updated 07-25-2024
Updated 07-25-2024

Unless otherwise noted, our Saturday workshops are held at Pennsdale United Methodist Church, 658 Village Road, Pennsdale, PA  17756, (across from the former Country Store building), and typically run 9 AM to 3 PM.

For detailed information about any of our workshops, including seating availability, registration deadline and costs, or to register for a posted workshop, email us: info@susqvalleyquilters.org  and include “SVQ Workshop” in your subject line.